Thursday, August 22, 2019

5 Habits of Happy Healthy Long Lasting Relationships

Whether you are here in a relationship looking for ways to strengthen it or if you are single looking for ways to make your next relationship a success, here are 5 habits of happy, healthy, long lasting relationships. The good news is that anyone can do these and anyone can improve on any of them!

1. Practice Self Love
I am a firm believer in the notion that good, healthy relationships start with two healthy individuals.  It's a theme that you will see on this website a lot!  Because, it's true!  The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself.  When you are happy and living a fulfilling life your partner will enhance that and you will be able to fully enhance someone else's life.  When you love yourself, you will be able to give your best to your relationship and as a result your relationship will blossom and grow immensely!

2. Say Thank-you
Appreciation goes a long way.  Everyone is busy and our partners (should) help us a lot, usually in little ways like making dinner, always being the person that leaves work early to pick up the kids, does the laundry, or makes you coffee in the morning.  Showing your appreciation with a thank you, a note, or by doing something nice in return.  Relationships are a two way street and they can get into trouble when one person feels like they are putting in majority of the effort or do not feel like their efforts are seen or acknowledged.  And the good news is, this is a super easy problem to avoid while strengthening your relationship at the same time!

3. Invest some time, daily
Relationships are like flowers, I know that sounds cliche, but it is true!  Without watering, caring for, and some uh, fertilization, your flowers won't grow and flourish.  Take those things away for too long and eventually the flowers die.  Don't let that happen!  Give you partner the investment of time each day.  It's important to have small things that are consistent in your relationship like going to bed at the same time, cuddling, taking a walk together, making the other person's coffee all for examples.  These things are consistent things that you do, even on days that you are tired, busy or even upset.  And don't forget to invest in extra special time for things like date nights, sex, and just because phone calls.  Continuing your intimacy on multiple levels (spiritual, emotional, mental as well as physical) is something you will need to constantly explore and develop.

4. Communicate
Oh the c-word.  People can absolutely hate it.

Wait, you totally know that I'm talking about communication right?  Communication is important.  VITAL even.  But communicating is not just about talking, it's also about being a good listener.  Everyone wants to be heard and understood.  Learning how to communicate when things are good will also help you to know how to communicate when things aren't good.

Fights will happen.  That doesn't mean that your relationship is bad or doomed.  In fact, arguments are perfectly healthy!  As long as you fight fairly.  Before a fight happens, talk about how you will handle them.  Does one person need space?  Does one person need reassurance?  Be clear, empathetic, and intentional with your speech, non-verbal communication, and listening.  This is a skill that will take work, effort and lots of practice!

5. Be willing to be vulnerable
Being vulnerable is HARD.  It's scary.  But it is such an important part of being intimate.  Being vulnerable includes things like sharing your feelings, opening up about your dreams, daring to look silly in front of each other, and being willing to say I'm sorry.  Being vulnerable means keeping walls down and taking risks; it means growing together and it also means being able to let go and fully forgive.

These are 5 habits for happy, long lasting, healthy relationships.  Do you practice these in your current relationship?

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